Saturday, September 09, 2006

Good Day

Well today was good.

I helped along with about 35-40 others from my church, in cleaning up the yard of some one in our community who needed it. I was very happy that I had about 12-15 of my kids from church join us in this activity. This really impressed me(way to go guys). I am glad they came out and even better they were glad they did as well(or so they said).
We carried away about 6 large dump trucks full of garbage away. I mean there was a huge amount of garbage there and it was still some left when we left. But we got a lot done. So it was good. All this happened this morning.
Got back home and hung out with my kids. My daughter in particular. She got me in her room to play house and other such activities that entailed wearing a crown (princess that is too). After some play time got to do some reading ,which I love to do. Brian McClaren Rocks!
Well that was my day. I know it was not much but it was very fulfilling. I do not just mean because I did something for our community but because I got to spend some time with my daughter as well. Because as we all know, doing things with family is where it should all start. If we do all this other great stuff but forsake our family's, what good is it? So let us not forget where it should all start. No matter what goes on lets all remember were it should start, which is


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