Friday, December 29, 2006


Yes, My sons word last night was dada!

Finally I am the one who has been acknowledged first. I am the one he called out to, like I was what he thought of and nothing else. No, it was not moma or papa or nana. It was my name you heard in our house. Like sweet angels singing out, he did this over and over again. I then picked him up like a person would pick up a trophy they had just won. My son then proceeded to say dada again and as he did he patted my back as to say to me "yes you I have called first and here I pat you to acknowledge that it is indeed you that I am talking about". So you see I have that dominance in the house at that one moment and yes it felt great!!!!

Now, for how it really was. We sat for diner like normal and as my son sat there he just decided to look at me and blurt it out "DADA". He would then turn his head and laugh then a moment later he would do the same thing, as if to tease me in what he could do. Needless to say I could not stop grinning, like I was stuck in this constant grinning state. I did pick him up after he finished eating and he continued as he patted my back. He called me on and off like that until he went to sleep that night. So you think I was a proud "Dada"? Now today it is like it never happened. I say to him "say dada" and he just looks at me and smiles. As if to say you got enough last night so just leave it at that. Well I guess that is how it is for a parent, on cloud nine one day (or night to be specific) and the next back to the norm.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Back at it!

I know that the two people that did read my blog have stopped looking a long time ago. As it has been a really long time since I have done any posting. Sorry for that but it has been a real hectic couple of months.
I wanted to start off this post by wishing all a merry Christmas (yes i know it is late) and a good new year. I hope that all goes well for everyone.

As I sat this christmas day and experienced all that is what we have come to know as Christmas and what it is I was a little taken back. I sat a watched as my kids opened their gifts (well really only one opened all) and could not help but feel overwhelmed at just how much they got. Now please do not misunderstand me, I am very grateful for all that was given and felt very blessed for what we have. But something in me was unsettled as I sat and witnessed my kids happiness in it all and realized that there are some that are not having this experience this year and some that will never have the chance to feel this. I came to work today and talked to some of my friends who have kids as well and they echoed my exact thoughts and no I did not promt them in that direction either. So it was made clear to me that this is not something that I just felt.
So I would ask what do I do, what do we do as a family, tell peaple not give us as much? What do we do as a community? These have become questions that I am constantly thinking about right now and no I do not have the answers.
But yet as the day went on we spent time with family relaxing and just enjoying each others company which felt so right to me. Like this is what it as about. We did the same thing with my wifes family the night before and I had the same felling of satisfaction. I could feel the love of Christmas on those occasions. This was such a fulfilling thing for me as I feel it was the same for my wife. So is that the answer, concentrate on family and not so much the materialistic side of things. But the day of Christmas eve was spent that morning in church thinking about what Jesus did for us on this day. How he came to this earth to show his love for us. How he became human and the conditions in which this happened and I felt that same sort of fulfillment as I thought on this and had my worship time. So is this the answer as to what we need to concentrate on this time of year? Or was I just having these feelings out of guilt?