Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Big Bang!

Scientists in Switzerland are assembling the worlds largest machine-a super collider which they say will be capable of recreating the conditions of the "Big Bang". The researchers are hoping to create and observe what they have dubbed "The God particle," a theoretical particle that factors heavily into the Big Bang theory. To do this, the scientists will collide more then 800 million protons a second to try to understand what conditions were like at the birth of the universe.
What is amazing to me is the size of this machine!

The collider is contained in a 27 km (roughly 16.7 miles) circumference tunnel located underground at a depth ranging from 50 to 150 meters ( 164-492 feet). The tunnel was formerly used to house the LEP, an electron-positron collider. The 3 meter diameter, concrete-lined tunnel actually crosses the border between Switzerland and France at four points, although the majority of its length is inside France. The collider itself is located underground, with many surface buildings holding ancillary equipment such as compressors, ventilation equipment, control electronics and refrigeration plants.

The other thing that amazes me even more is the cost of this machine. The estimated final price tag is expected to be about US$ 8 billion, of which approximately US$ 0.5 billion is being provided by the United States as an "official observer". WOW!

You think we could find something better to do with this money. I mean come on, 8 billion so I could say "see I told ya so." So Scientists can say the big bang theory is true? So my question to you and myself is, "does this make a difference to us and our faith?" Will this (if proven could have happened) really hurt or strengthen what we believe? If in the end it does not make a difference they why do it? It is something that would not hurt what I believe no matter what. You see for me when science proves something that happened in the bible as fact and they give all this explanation as to why it just strengthens what I believe. Ok, so it may be something that can be explained but all they are doing is proving with science that what the bible tells us is true! So what does this mean to you? Think about it, what if they reproduce the "Big Bang"?

The last thing that disturbs me a lot is that calculations show there is about a 30 percent chance that this experiment WON'T cause the universe to implode!!!!!! YEAH great let's go ahead with this! Let's spend 8 billion and role the dice! "I CALL SEVENS"

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