Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Back at it!


A new year has begun, and what have we said to ourselves that we need to do this year different then we did last year? You know what I am talking about, Those new year resolutions and I am not talking about the "I must lose weight" type of resolutions or the " I will stop smoking this year" ones (HMMMMM I guess I should stop smoking :). No! we make those resolutions every year. Now whether we keep them or not is a different story.

What I am sitting here thinking, are those resolutions that we know we need to make and yet we have such a hard time making them. Which leads into a whole different topic of if we know we need to do these things in our lives why do we need a new year to role around for us to first off start to think about making the change and then why do we need the new year to actually go about making that change? The thing is we all fall into this. Do we just say well that is the way society has made us and leave it at that? Then to which I have to ask, do we always have to let what society thinks dictate what we do? HMMMM....... I guess maybe we do not have a choice, or do we?

Well as I sit here and think about all this I can't help but wonder what is it that I need to examine in my life and make a change in? I think as my wife and I have talked about it in the months leading up to the holidays, are we really doing what we should be doing. What I mean by this is that I came to the conclusion that we as a family need to start doing "what we are suppose to be doing rather then what we think we should be doing." I think there is a big difference between the two. I say it starts off first with relationship. With my spiritual life and family life first. Am I doing all that I should in those two areas first before I look into doing other things first? The honest answer to that is probably "NO", now I need to re-examine this and see what I need to do different. I would like to think this through and then maybe if the answer is given to me then I will keep you informed.

I would love to get comments from others (the three that read this) on this and what you think. Like starting a little message board deal. If you do not want to post directly to this and would rather do it in private, please send me an email and I would be more then happy to raise the topic while keeping your name out of it.(my name has no problem being looked at funny)

My email addresses are



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